

by Eugene Poku and Jessica Goldberg

Welcome to our new website. Thanks to Ximena Pinilla for her classic, streamlined design and funct ...

Move over hot yoga, AcroYoga is taking off

by Tegan Osborne

A new form of yoga incorporating acrobatics is gaining popularity in Australia.And although it looks ...

AcroYoga and Stepping into the Unknown!

by Sally Meredith - Date 2013

Inspired by AcroYogini and dear friend, Einat Bardea, July 2013 had me undergo the month long teach ...


by Eugene Poku and Jessica Goldberg

To all our people that passed away.................................................................. ...

Common questions concerning the AYM Montreal teacher training…

by Jessie Goldberg & Eugene Poku

Do I need to be certified to teach AcroYoga?This question is the instigator for this list. Jessie& E ...